What is the Correlation between Expatriate Adjustment and Job Performance?

4 min
21 Aug 2023

The adjustment process and job performance of international talent are often closely linked, as the expatriate’s ability to adapt to the new environment can significantly impact their productivity, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

More than facilitating the necessary immigration procedure for your international talent, a sustainable and successful international recruitment strategy requires thoughtful approaches to cultural adaptation, inclusion, and collaboration. 

How is the performance of international employees linked to their cultural, social, and work-related adjustment?

Let’s dive into the correlation between these two factors.

1.     Cultural Adaptation and Communication

Effective cultural adaptation and communication skills are essential for successful job performance. Expatriates who understand local customs, communication styles, and work practices are better equipped to collaborate with local colleagues, manage cross-cultural challenges, and achieve their job objectives.

2.    Stress and Performance 

Expatriates facing significant challenges during the adjustment period, such as cultural shock, language barriers, or isolation, may experience higher stress levels. This can impact their ability to focus on work tasks, make sound decisions, and perform at their best.

3.    Psychological Well-being

The mental well-being of an expatriate is closely linked to their job performance. If an expatriate is struggling with the adjustment process, their mental health may suffer, potentially affecting their motivation, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.

4.    Job Satisfaction and Commitment 

A positive adjustment experience can lead to higher job satisfaction and commitment. Expatriates who feel supported and integrated are more likely to be engaged with their work and dedicated to achieving their goals.

5.    Knowledge Transfer and Learning 

Expatriates are often sent to share knowledge and skills across borders. A well-adjusted expatriate is more likely to effectively transfer their expertise to local colleagues, facilitating skill development and knowledge sharing within the organization.

6.    Integration with Local Teams

Successful adjustment can facilitate seamless integration with local teams, enhancing collaboration and teamwork. Effective teamwork is crucial for achieving organizational goals.

7.     Cross-Cultural Competency

An expatriate who has successfully adjusted to the new culture and work environment is likely to possess higher cross-cultural competency. This can enable them to navigate diverse situations, build relationships, and negotiate effectively, all of which contribute to job success.


Overall, the correlation between expatriate adjustment and job performance emphasizes the importance of providing appropriate cultural and emotional support and the right resources to expatriates during their time abroad.

Organizations that prioritize expatriate well-being and facilitate pre-departure training, cultural orientation, language classes, mentoring, local guidance, open communication, and ongoing support are more likely to have expatriates who successfully adapt and perform well in their roles.

Every expat experiences the transition cycle differently, and it’s important to consider the needs of each individual and their ability to adapt when recruiting from abroad. Depending on previous expatriate experiences, cultural differences, and personality traits, some need more support and time than others.

With the right strategy and execution, recruiting international talent can bring a diverse range of perspectives, experiences, and cultural backgrounds to the table.

This in turn leads to more innovative thinking, problem-solving, and creativity which again can boost productivity and contributes to the companies’ economic growth.

Curious about how to best support your international employee and how to curate the best relocation package? Reach out to relo@expatmanagementgroup.com for a free consultation or check out our Relocation Services for more information. 

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