The Brexit is further delayed
UK nationals and EU citizens living in the UK become more and more concerned about travelling to, conducting business meetings and working in the UK.
Now that Brexit has been further delayed until 31 October 2019, there seems to be more uncertainty than ever and the mood especially in the UK seems to be at its lowest point. If a deal between the EU and the UK is reached, the UK may leave the EU sooner than 31 October 2019. A review on the developments is planned on 30 June to see how far the UK stands with regards to reaching a deal, to revoke Article 50 all together or change strategy.
The Dutch Immigration Authorities (IND) do not seem well prepared for the Brexit either. A Brexit hotline has been created where UK nationals and EU citizens can call but most of the time the answer is rather vague. “We do not yet know’, all depends on the outcome of the negotiations’ is the most common reply. What we do know is that a transition period for UK citizens has been granted which is slightly longer in case of a deal (until 31 December 2020) and until 1 July 2020 in case of a no-deal. A letter has been sent to UK nationals already registered in the Netherlands serving as a temporary residence permit in case of a no-deal and UK nationals will be invited by the IND to apply for a residence permit which will grant working rights as well once the transition period is over. What is of utmost importance is that UK nationals coming to the Netherlands proceed with their local registration with townhall on a personal address as soon as possible so that the letter can reach them which the employer needs to store in their files.
New updates will be provided on a regular basis and clients can reach out to Expat Management Group directly with more specific inquires and call our offices or send a note to
- 1 April 2019
- Posted by: beheerder
- Category: Insights